How to Get a Date With Her: 3 Tips to Higher Your Chances of Seeing Her Again

Whether in the context of just meeting the girl cold, or meeting her in your social circle, asking a girl out on a date can seem stressful as you don't want to get into a scenario where she says no and it becomes awkward...

In this article, concepts about how to get a date with a girl will be explained. (This information by the way applies to all situations you can meet women in.)

1. Run a good interaction.

This applies to both cold approach, meeting girls in your social circle and even online. If you want to get a higher chance of her coming on a date with you in the future, you must make sure that there was a connection built between you and the girl.

If you are lacking this, it doesn't matter what techniques you use afterward, the girl will still flake on you.

2. Get her contact information through the frame of meeting each other again.

The next step is to get her contact info. Remember, that you are only doing this because you cannot do something with her at that moment, and you are settling for the number to meet her on a different time.

When getting the number or contact info, you must do the following: Set up plans that are near your place, and get her to agree to those plans.

If you ran a good interaction, she will agree and this is the time that you get her number. It is better to go about it this way as the focus is not on her number, but rather on the two of you meeting again in a future time.

3. Text her shortly after to build a bit more comfort and facilitate a date.

Text her right after meeting, and get a conversation going through text. The texting is to fill in any missing comfort and attraction, and logistics for the date.

Consider that while texting, you want to look for a few things:

-How fast she is respondingâ??

-How large the responses are

-Whether the responses are emotionally investing (she is teasing you, talking about you and her etc... ) or logical (I went to the store after... )

If she is responding fast, has large responses, and is emotionally investing (flirting with you), start angling the conversation towards the date. This is done by suggesting a time and place and her meeting you there.

If she is doing the opposite of what was mentioned, this means that you have to interact with her over a longer period of time. This could mean doing a few back and forth texting, and amping up the flirting to get her to react more. The amount of time this could take is an hour or more, or it could be over the course of a few days or weeks.

Getting her on a date also depends on her schedule. If she is very busy, it will be harder to get her out. This goes for you as well, as if both your schedules don't align, it will get harder to get her on the date.

Be persistent, and close slowly and only once you see that she is receptive to the date.

These are the steps on how to get a date, and again keep in mind that the most important concept of all of this is running a solid interaction, as this is the basis of what will make the girl drawn to you and want to go out!

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