How to know what he wants...S..E..X..

Dating is fun and turns you into a child each time you get to meet the person you are dating. And it is true, dating should be a fun, lovely experience that you get to enjoy with a man that cares and is eager to provide for you, but that also wants a family with you. Unfortunately, sometimes life gives you lemons and offers you a man that is not quite the man you thought he was.
Here are 5 signs that it is about time you move on from the man you are dating:
He does not want to meet your family - a man that wants you in your life will settle a meeting with your family because he knows how important family is for you. He might be nervous and all sweaty, but he will go to the meeting, be charming and nice to your family. He will also be excited to meet your family and do it with pleasure. A man who does not want a full-time relationship with you, will avoid meeting with your family and will always find excuses about how he is too busy to be able to meet with them.
He does not bother too much to make you happy - if the man you are dating now could care less about your happiness, it is time to ditch him as soon as possible. Men that love their female partners not only want to see them happy, but they put great effort into making them happy. It does not matter how much he has to wait in the line to get you your favorite flavo r of ice-cream, he is determined to make you happy and he will.
You have very different views on relationships - you want marriage and kids and he does not want it. You believe in the equality of men and women, he says that men are far superior from any woman. If your man thinks like this, it is time for an upgrade. You are in the 21th century, not in the Middle Ages.
He does not care about finance - we all struggle financially at some point in our lives. It is our actions that talk for us. If your man is financially unstable and does not plan on changing, you are most definitely in trouble. Especially if he has the ugly habit of bouncing from one job to another.
He has no goals - there is nothing more disappointing than to date a man with no specific goals. Doesn't he want to make a name for himself? Doesn't he want to grow and develop into a beautiful person? Having no specific goals is almost like being dead. You are not thinking about your future and how it can be affected by all these economic changes and you simply let yourself wander off.
Dating the wrong man can turn your life into misery. So before you let that happen, move on to a better life with another man. Meet your happiness.

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