The truth is that men get away with a whole lot of stuff and it's all because we let them. We have the power to control our actions and as women that is all we need to get what we desire from our relationships with men.
Tip #1 - Don't rush it
You can never put every person within a nominated group under a blanket and men are no different. Generally speaking though, men tend to segregate or compartmentalise the different areas of their life and look at many situations with a different kind of logic to that of women. Women generally use emotional logic, meaning their emotions determine why and how they perform certain tasks and what value they attach to a range of experiences. Men on the other hand more frequently apply a rational logic to most life situations. Put simply women tend to form an emotional connection with others much faster than men do. Not only that, but men don't need to attribute emotions to experiences and this includes sex. That is why it is very important that you take your time in the dating/pre-sex phase with a man. He is most probably leap years behind you emotionally speaking, and won't place much value on sex if you do have it with him should you not have some kind of a bond and established a rapport with the guy first. Bonds take time to form, he has to see that his life would be better with you in it after you have done the deed.
Tip #2 Watch his actions as they speak louder than his words
How many women have been suckered in by a guy's cheap talk? Probably all of us at one time or another right? That was probably because we took his words at face value. I'm not saying that's the wrong thing to do - in an ideal world, however we don't live in an ideal world and irrespective of whether or not you were lied to, the point is you chose to let a man's words establish his merit. There are little ways you can establish what you mean to a guy like:
- how affectionate he is in public
- whether he wants you to meet his family and friends
- if he invites you out to social events
- and even the way he treats you in general
Tip #3 Listen to your head, heart, gut and libido
If it feels right in all of the above areas and if you have made it clear what you want from a guy then proceed. Having a discussion about your wants and needs with a guy before sexing him doesn't mean he is going to be true to his word, but at least you have crossed all of your bases.
Tip #4 Leave no stone unturned
When you have had the talk and checked off the head, heart, gut and libido boxes, make sure you give it everything. That means being totally confident, enjoying it, showing that you enjoy it and demonstrating what tricks you have up your sleeve.
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