Do you have an average size or a short pen-is? Of course you'll probably not be caught dead, neither sober nor drunk admitting that to your s-e-x partner, especially prospective ones, or even to yourself. But you need not worry or let it dampen your self confidence. There is a way of keeping you and your lo-ver s-e-xually satisfied so take advantage of this lo-vemaking position. You and your partner will learn a simple lo-vemaking technique that is incredibly s-e-xual and will mutually enhance your pleasure. Here's how...
In that most famous of lo-ve making text, the Kama Sutra, you'd be called a 'hare man,' on the basis of the size of your pen-is. This lo-vemaking position is called the 'closure.' To begin this lo-vemaking position your lo-ver is lying on her back, place a cushion, under her bottom raising her hips towards you. Then place yourself between her legs. Keep your feet on the floor. Press your lo-ver's thighs against her torso and put your hands under her arms or hold her shoulders tight in an embrace clasping her body to yours.
As a vital part of lo-ve making you would already have engaged in lots of foreplay with your fingers, hands, mouth or toys before trying this lo-vemaking position skillfully leaving her extremely arouse and wet and ready to receive you. Now insert your pen-is inside her vagina and pump and gyrate your hips. Be sure to keep yourself attuned to her responses since in this lo-vemaking position you want her arousal to build leaving her burning with pleasure.
Even better is that this lo-vemaking position with your lo-ver on her back, her thighs and bottom positioned in this manner, the walls of her vagina squeezes together creating a deliciously tight space. However, it can be a little tiring for her so alternate your lo-vemaking position. Best of all, as a couple, this lo-vemaking position can increase both you and your partner's level of s-e-xual intimacy leaving little time to worry about size and plenty of time to enjoy the s-e-xual ride.
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