How Much Do You Really Lover Her?

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her" (Eph 5:25)

The union of husband and wife is a setting for love at its best. Tender love on one side matches loving obedience on the other. And the grand rule for every husband to make marriage thrive is: Love your wife as Christ loved the Church.

Two questions arise here: How much do you love your wife, and, how did Christ love the Church? Christ gave everything for the Church, even His life.

So then husbands should, if necessary, lay down their lives for their wives: and there is more implied in the words than mere protection and support; for, as Christ gave himself for the Church to save it, so husbands should, by all means in their power, labour to promote the salvation of their wives, and their constant edification in righteousness.

Jacob found a woman he loved, and he was ready to do everything for her. In spite of his father-in-law's deception, the dual marriage forced on him, and a tainted future, Jacob was loyal and committed to the love of his life. His heart was set on Rachel and nothing could dislodge him or discourage him.

The lover-man Jacob loved and clung to his wife. He was devoted to her. He did not see her problem as hers alone. Their problems and challenges were shared.

Note that it was not until Rachel conceived and bare Joseph that Jacob decided to relocate from Haran, away from servitude and a manipulating and deceitful father-in-law.

"And it came to pass, when Rachel had born Joseph, that Jacob said unto Laban, Send me away, that I may go unto mine own place, and to my country"(Gen 30:25)

Jacob loved Rachel and was totally devoted and committed to her. Are you devoted to your wife, to your spouse?

    Do you tell your wife to mind her troublesome children even though you fathered them?
    Do you leave your wife to bear her burdens alone?
    Does what pinches her touch you?
    Are you lovers in bed and on the dining table, but are strangers in tackling her personal problems?
    Do you help your wife do menial household chores or other things when she is genuinely tired, ill or temporarily incapacitated?
    Are you a helper of your help-mate?

Many husbands are quick to demand submission form their wives and shout them down. But God says, "Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them" (Col. 3:19).

The authority of the man over the woman is founded on his love to her, and this love must be such as to lead him to risk his life for her. She has need of all the assistance and support which her husband can give her; and, if she performs her duty well, she deserves the utmost of his love and affection.

"Marriage without love is immoral!"
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